Let's Chat!
Published on June 18th, 2015 | by Chris Revill
0Lets Chat! with Revill and Friends #70 Kevin Gilligan
Kevin Gilligan is a actor, writer, comedian, co creator of Gigahoes and board member of Geeks OUT. Geeks Out is a non profit organization that rallies, empowers and promotes the queer geek community. In this episode Kevin chats about touring as a theater actor, sketch comedy, Geeks OUT, Flame Con NYC first queer comic con and much more.
Kevin online-Kevinryssgilligan.com, @Gilligan_McJew
Geeks OUT online-Geeksout.org, @GeeksOUT, Geeks OUT Loud Podcast
Gigahoes online-Gigahoes.com, @Gigahoes, Facebook
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Lets Chat online-Themisfitsnetwork.com, Soundcloud @Letschatpodcast, Facebook