Let's Chat!
Published on July 24th, 2015 | by Chris Revill
0Lets Chat! with Revill and Friends-Shaun Colon of A Fat Wreck: The Punk-u-mentary
Shaun Colon is the director of A Fat Wreck: The Punk-u-mentary (90′-99) a film about Fat Wreck Recrords. A fat wreck is a fan made and fan financed film (donate on indigogo). Shaun chats about the origins of making this film, making fan financed documentary, the legacy of Fat Wreck Records and much more.
Shaun online- www.afatwreck.com, Facebook, @afatwreck Vimeo, Indiegogo
Chris online-Themisfitsnetwork.com, @letschatpodcast, Facebook, Squarepop, Soundcloud