
Published on July 17th, 2013 | by Greg Giannetti


Pacific Rim

When I heard there was going to be a “giant mechs vs. giant monsters” movie I was immediately sold. When I found out Guillermo del Toromonster fetish extraordinaire ,was going to be running the show? If excitement could pay the bills, I wouldn’t need to work. Starring Charlie Hunnam as Raleigh Becket, Pacific Rim is the summer blockbuster we didn’t know we were all waiting for. All of humanity has been threatened by Kaiju, alien creatures from another dimension, that come through a rift in the Pacific Ocean to just start knocking things around. Jaegers, giant man-made mechs, are mankind’s last chance at survival and there’s only a handful left to defend us all.

Clearly wearing its inspiration on its sleeve, Pacific Rim feels like the best kind of mech anime and Kaiju films of old without trying to be either of those things. The plot serves as a vehicle to bring you from one robot punching monster moment to the next and you know what? That’s totally okay. That’s not to say the plot and the character suffers by being put on the back burner, it’s just that there’s not a lot to explore with the characters. They have to fight to the end because, well, if they don’t everyone dies. The hero isn’t going to suddenly have a change of heart because maybe the bad guy isn’t that bad after all. There’s just robots punching monsters in the face because they need a face punching, gosh darn it.

Pacific Rim is all sorts of awesome from beginning to end but it’s really hard to talk about this movie …mostly because every time I do, I just want to shout “GO SEE THIS. GO. RIGHT NOW. SERIOUSLY.” That has to do with the fact that everything you think this movie is, it is. Giant robots beating up giant alien monster-things. If that doesn’t sound like your bag of tea then there is no amount of convincing I can provide. But if you’re hesitating to see it, if just a small part of you is anticipating it to be anything less than what you want it to be, I can grant you some comfort. It is hands-down, bar-none, the most awesome movie you will see this year. Go see this. Go. Right now. Seriously.


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About the Author

A king among men, this miraculous example of perfection graces us with his presence on the internets where he can write about his opinions on things that totally matter. Greg also knows the true secret to life - lots of naps.

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